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Ahh, a fresh forum!
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:51 pm
by Ellis
Honestly, I'm just posting this topic so people don't have anxiety about posting in a space with no topics, lol. That said, it still has that "new forum smell" by which I mean... it's quiet, lol!
Re: Ahh, a fresh forum!
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 6:56 am
by GeckoEditKath
It's a thing of beauty, E. Bravo! And thank you.
I used to spend hours on an Invisionfree RPG forum way back in high school, so this format is triggering all kinds of nostalgia for me. Love it. Thank you thank you thank you!
*deep inhale, maybe too deep, is that uncomfortably deep, yes, yes it is, that is actually a snort, stop that, gross*
Re: Ahh, a fresh forum!
Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 7:45 pm
by TheSmutEditor
Honestly, I'm just thrilled this place exists. I've been desperate to simplify my social media when I'm not "working" (though obviously development and networking are still working), but with the state of the world, I'm desperate to pull Meta's claws from my back. I don't know about everyone else, but I sighed in peaceful delight upon returning to forum format, and I hope other communities of mine follow suit.
That to say, my neurodivergence displays through my excessive posting and commenting, and it's so much more comfortable in a space like this. Thank you so much for hosting, and I do hope it starts kicking off as people learn of its existence!
Re: Ahh, a fresh forum!
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2025 3:03 pm
by Ellis
Yeah, forums are a good option. I really enjoy the fact that it's also an US space, not owned by others. While this may not be as active as Facebook, it provides us an alternative and an option to share information in ways we can't in places owned by algorithms.